Invited to serve as a Feng Shui consultant for a development company in Northern Malaysia
Invited to serve as a Feng Shui consultant for a development company in Northern Malaysia

Invited by multiple companies to serve as a Feng Shui consultant
Invited by multiple companies to serve as a Feng Shui consultant

Trained 22 students to become beginner-level professional Feng Shui practitioners specializing in house Feng Shui
Trained 22 students to become beginner-level professional Feng Shui practitioners specializing in house Feng Shui

Trained 17 students to become advanced-level professional Feng Shui practitioners specializing in house Feng Shui
Trained 17 students to become advanced-level professional Feng Shui practitioners specializing in house Feng Shui

Invited to serve as a Feng Shui consultant for a luxury estate in Northern Malaysia valued at three million Malaysian Ringgit
Invited to serve as a Feng Shui consultant for a luxury estate in Northern Malaysia valued at three million Malaysian Ringgit

Performed Feng Shui ceremonies for 48 clients to enhance wealth and longevity through the establishment of ancestral graves
Performed Feng Shui ceremonies for 48 clients to enhance wealth and longevity through the establishment of ancestral graves

Invited by celebrities and wealthy individuals to assess and layout Feng Shui for their properties
Invited by celebrities and wealthy individuals to assess and layout Feng Shui for their properties

Invited to assess Feng Shui for Yin Zhai (burial sites) and provide guidance for burial arrangements
Invited to assess Feng Shui for Yin Zhai (burial sites) and provide guidance for burial arrangements
服务 Services
产品 Product

在寻找风水和命理顾问时,我无意中发现了草帽大师及他的风水服务。草帽大师多年的深入实践和卓越才华赢得了业界的尊敬和赞扬。我对草帽大师的深厚实践和杰出才华深感敬佩。 Discovering Master Caomao and his Ju Xuan Guan Feng Shui services while seeking a consultant in Feng Shui and numerology was a serendipitous find. As a Malaysian numerologist and the founder of Ju Xuan Guan, Master Caomao has earned industry
Very Good

草帽大师是我在风水和命理领域的首选顾问。他的深厚实践经验和杰出才华赢得了业界的尊敬和赞誉。我对草帽大师多年来的精湛实践和卓越才华表示由衷的敬意。 Master Caomao is my top choice for a consultant in the field of Feng Shui and numerology. I hold deep respect for Master Caomao's years of profound practice and exceptional talent.
Highly Recommended